Digital Learning Solutions

Digital learning is one of the fastest growing trends in education, and Summit Learn is at the forefront of this development. We are supporting the world’s leading education and training providers by enabling our partners to deliver and manage their integrated learning programs virtually.

Our learner solutions can be created as Online Only (Learning that takes place entirely over the Internet – with Offline functionality) or Blended Learning (Learning through a combination of online learning and face-to-face instruction – all delivered within our Summit Learn PRO.).

Summit Learn PRO. brings the digital classroom to life while providing detailed tracking tools, helping you understand and act upon student behaviour. Your learner habits are constantly changing and the mediums of study are constantly evolving. Therefore, you need a learner management system that moves as fast as they do, while making it easy for educators to foster learning. We will provide you and your students an unmatched education experience. Summit Learn PRO. is a digital product distribution framework that allows our client to provide a life-long account and relationship with its customers for them to access and consume digital products in class, on the go, and at home

Summit Learn PRO. has five core functions:

  1. Course content
  2. Self-assessment tools and exams
  3. Student and teaching staff interaction tools (digital classroom)
  4. Student management tools
  5. Engagement and Interaction online student community

Digital Classroom
As a component of Summit Learn PRO. The ‘Digital Classroom’ is an interactive, integrated platform, which will deliver a variety of content to the learner, provide interactive audio and video, provide an engaging environment between teacher and learner and capture data for student feedback and follow-up

The Digital Classroom contains leading-edge technology and techniques for effective online teaching.

Digital Classroom: Capabilities

  • Converter for PPT into HTML
  • Content storage for powerpoints
  • Whiteboard functionality
  • Loading powerpoint onto whiteboard
  • Thumbnail view of slides and lesson notes
  • Text typing on screen
  • Annotation and Pointer tools
  • Audio/video functionality
  • Thumbnail video view with whiteboard
  • Privilege management (passing privileges for annotation, screen sharing, etc to students)
  • Text chat – public and private
  • Emoticons
  • Diagnostic tools to check audio/video, both before and during class
  • Class moderation (teacher able to turn on off microphone, video of participants)
  • Breakout session (online roleplays in virtual breakout rooms)
  • Survey functionality
  • Screen sharing
  • Session recording
  • Attendance reports and analytics

Blended Learning Services: Capabilities

  • Track formal course progress
  • Class scheduling tools
  • Manage class students
  • Homework setting
  • Class follow-up
  • Gradebook
  • Teacher feedback to student
  • Student feedback to teacher
  • Class rating system
  • Send emails or sms to students

How does it benefit our customers?

  • Single sign-on: to all products.
  • Consistent user experience regardless of product used; Learn once, use many times
  • Multi-device experience (mobile, laptop or desktop) of the same product: in class, on the go, and at home.
  • Experience allows learners to track their progress across products during their relationship with the client
  • Personalisation: Providing different experiences to different customers based on their user behaviors and preferences.

How does it benefit the client?

  • Detailed learning analytics
  • Flexibility, product diversity and specialisation according to customer needs
  • Savings in customer service training – Common on-boarding processes to all products
  • Enable product innovation – Interoperable learning products can be designed without platform constraints

Summit Learn PRO. is an Enterprise Cloud Solution (ECS) with an option which allows the LMS to run on your dedicated Cloud provider – uses a Single Sign On (SSO) with an intuitive and easy to use interface that is accessible on and offline, is Modular Based and can be white-labeled so you can easily integrate with your ERP, CRM or HRM Software. Our team of IT professionals is on hand to guide you through each step of the scope and implementation of Summit Learn PRO.

Our education technology platforms work to improve every aspect of the education experience. From universities to K-12 classrooms to professional training and fully online learning environments, we have the technology and expertise to help you and your students succeed.

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